Karin Thomson
Academic | Writer | Creative

Academic | Writer | Creative
Karin Thomson has worked in academic librarianship for over twenty years. Her previous post was as the Librarian at the University of Birmingham's presitigious Shakespeare Institute in Stratford-upon-Avon.
Taking full advantage of related opportunities during her library career enabled Karin to develop specialities in other fields, including lecturing, project management, digitisation, academic publications, film making and scriptwriting.
Her passion for libraries and archives and her belief in their importance in society, has fuelled her career and resulted in her commitment to a PhD for the HLF funded Everything to Everybody project, lead by the Univesity of Birmingham.
Inspired by collaboration and team building with others in her field, Karin has a rich and varied career that continues to spark and inspire creativity in herself and those she works with.

Library and Archives
Over 25 years of experience with libraries, archives, staff and collection management:
Shakespeare Institute Librarian, University of Birmingham
Reader Services Librarian, Shakespeare Birthplace Trust
IT Librarian, Cambridgeshire County Council
Roles and Afficiations included:​
Chair of APAC Association of Performing Arts Collections
Consultant Editor for Adam Matthew Digital Royal Shakespeare Company Archives
Trustee of the British Shakespeare Association
Performance history contributor to Palgrave MacMillan RSC Editions

Forgotten treasures: the world's first great Shakespeare library, ed. Ewan Fernie and Tom Epps (Alcester: West Midlands History Limited, 2022)
Annotated Bibliography for Arden Research Companion to Shakespeare and Contemporary Performance, ed. Kathryn Prince and Peter Kirwan (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2020)
‘‘Time out of joint’: traumatic hauntings in the Spanish Civil War films of Guillermo del Toro’, The Supernatural Cinema of Guillermo del Toro, ed. John Morehead (McFarland, 2015)
‘Professional productions of early modern drama, 1960–2010,’ Performing Early Modern Drama Today, eds. by Pascale Aebischer and Kathryn Prince (Cambridge University Press, 2012)
22 performance histories for the Royal Shakespeare Company Complete Works project; published in single editions of the plays (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008-2011)